When you want to strengthen
the relationship between
customers and the brand

When you want to strengthen
the relationship between
customers and the brand

Kyung Dong Navien Dream Shop

Kyung Dong Navien, with its brand Navien Mate focusing on hot water mats and electric mats, has been emphasizing the idea that "optimal sleeping temperature enhances the quality of sleep." However, the importance of "sleeping temperature" was not well-received by consumers. While consumers acknowledged the importance of good sleep, they primarily associated it with supplementary products for sleep. Therefore, the main mission was to make "temperature" a crucial condition for good sleep.

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LG Gram Jammy Community

LG Gram had active engagement up until the pre-purchase stage, but there was a lack of interest in the product post-purchase compared to competing products. To enhance the post-purchase customer experience and secure loyal customers, a communication hub was needed where customers could naturally and joyfully share the brand. Moreover, the main goal was to establish a customer data collection solution that strengthens the relationship with the Z generation and connects to future marketing activities.

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